Holsworthy Community College

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Safeguarding at Holsworthy Community College


Sarah Hallett - Designated Safeguarding Lead


Safeguarding is at the heart of everything we do at Holsworthy Community College. The safety, security, welfare, and wellbeing of our young people is paramount, and we have a dedicated team of people who work tirelessly to support all the students in our college in a range of different ways.


Adolescence is a tricky time for many, as our children grow, mature, and develop and it is inevitable that at some point, things can go wrong. It is our jobs as parents, caregivers, and school professionals to allow our children to make mistakes. That it is ok to get things wrong, it is how we learn from these mistakes that is the important thing. Tutor time is an important part of the school day, where skilled staff can help young people reflect on their choices and make better decisions going forward, as well as spotting early signs of struggles and changes that need early intervention, whether that be friendship issues, academic struggles or things going on outside of school.


Tutors are complimented by our amazing Pupil Coaches who work tirelessly to mediate friendship issues, help overcome lesson and learning barriers, be a “shoulder to cry on” and an advocate for the young person when things are going wrong. They are well placed to sign post and help develop strategies designed to build resilience, a key part of growing up. All students have access to pupil coaches. If they need support they can request a pupil coach via their class teacher, or speak to them at break and lunch, they are always around to support during these times.


Sadly, many young people also struggle with their mental health, and this is ok too. There are many ways that we as a school can help young people and their families get the support they need without stigma. If you are concerned about your child's mental health or wellbeing, please reach out. There are systems in place in school to support and we also have access to external agencies when things are a little tougher. I also cannot recommend enough the Young Minds website for help and information on so many issues for young people.


If you have any concerns for young people outside of school, you can contact the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 0345 1551071 to report these concerns. If you believe a child is in immediate danger, please dial 999 and ask for the police.


We operate an “open door” policy at Holsworthy Community College; if you have any questions or concerns you would like to discuss, please do contact us. We can provide help and support for a range of things via Early Help; finance, debt, support for parents who might be struggling with their child’s behaviour and boundaries... There are so many ways we can help. Please reach out to us.


Our school and Trust Safeguarding and Child Protection policies for 2023/2024 can be found by clicking the links below:

Safeguarding Officers

Safeguarding Team Contact Information

Sarah Hallett - shallett@hccdevon.org

Kerry Wilcox - kwilcox@hccdevon.org

Kathy Willis - kwillis@hccdevon.org

Andrew Sweeney - asweeney@dmatschools.org.uk

Phil Ruse - pruse@dmatschools.org.uk

Julie Greener - jgreener@dmatschools.org.uk

Dan White - dwhite@dmatschools.org.uk

Shannon Richards - srichards@hccdevon.org

Lev Bulut - lbulut@hccdevon.org

Andy Watkins - awatkins@hccdevon.org

Steve Kerslake - skerslake@hccdevon.org

