Exeter College
Applications from students with EHCP We welcome applications from learners with Educational Health and Care Plans. Before processing these applications, we must first receive details of the EHCP and other relevant information from the local authority. The application will be placed on hold until the information is sent by the local authority, typically in the spring term. This information enables the college to determine whether the needs stated in the EHCP can be met. If the college can support a student, the application will proceed and the student will be invited to their subject and SEND interview. If the college is unable to meet the needs outlined in the EHCP, determined by our High Needs Panel, Devon County Council (or alternative LA) will inform the student. More information about support for students with an EHCP can be found here
Interactive How to Decide We have developed an interactive ‘How to Decide’ resource, designed to support students through the decision-making process. In 30 minutes this resource will help students to consider their strengths, understand which course type suits their learning style best, match their target grades to the right course level, and make a shortlist of subjects they are interested in. This resource could be used during form time, in a careers lesson, or set as a homework task. You can find the resource and download the accompanying ‘Helping you Decide’ document here:
Support with Apprenticeship Applications Our apprenticeship team have created a webpage dedicated to all you need to know about apprenticeships: https://exe-coll.ac.uk/apprenticeships/all-you-need-to-know/. The page has lots of useful information, case studies and a chance to book a one to one virtual appointment with one of our recruitment advisors. At the bottom of the page there are templates to create a CV and a personal statement for any students who are considering the apprenticeship route. Students can also view a recording of a recent session run by our apprenticeship team which provides a general overview to studying on an apprenticeship here: