Holsworthy Community College

Educating our future

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Curriculum & Departments

Our Multi-Academy Trust was founded upon the cooperative values of self responsibly, equity, equality, democracy, self-help and solidarity. These values underpin everything we do at Holsworthy Community College and are integrated into our curriculum. These values echo the values of modern Britain. 


For more information regarding Equality, SEND & our Cooperative values please see these pages:





At Holsworthy College we offer a broad curriculum, supporting rigorous GCSEs. This is a five year learning journey, from the transition of Year 7 to the final exams in Year 11. Whatever the skill level or support required, our students have the opportunities to flourish in a range of disciplines; preparing them for their future lives and the routes they may choose, be that A levels, college or the workplace.


Feel free to find out more by contacting the school and the Heads of Faculty.

Department websites with resources: